Learn the fundamental tools of journal therapy with this 90 minute guided writing workshop. Writing is a beautiful way to support your mindfulness practice and your personal healing. Putting pen to paper allows us to slow down our minds and emotions and uncover our deepest truth.
This in-person event will be held in an outdoor space in the Niagara Region (TBD). Please be sure to bring a blanket, cushion, or chair in addition to your journal and favourite writing tools. Due to ongoing pandemic restrictions, snacks and refreshments will not be offered at this event, but you are welcome to bring your own.
All proceeds for this workshop will go towards the Woodland Cultural Centre’s ‘Save the Evidence’ initiative.
From the Woodland Cultural Centre website:
What is the Save The Evidence Campaign?
Save the Evidence is a campaign to raise awareness and support for the restoration of the former Mohawk Institute Residential School, and to develop the building into an Interpreted Historic Site and Educational Resource. As a site of conscience, the final goal is to create a fully-realized Interpretive Centre that will be the definitive destination for information about the history of Residential Schools in Canada, the experiences of Survivors of the schools, and the impact that the Residential School system has had on our communities.
We are so grateful to see the community coming together to fundraise for the Save the Evidence campaign. Over the last few years of this project so many individuals and organizations have risen to the call for support. When we all come together, we can achieve so much. Even the simple act of sharing this page, spreading the word with your contacts and networks and on your social media, goes a long long way.
This event will be held on July 18th, unless we have inclement weather. July 25th is our rain date.